If you’re a SECRETARY or PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER or PROTOCOL OFFICER or CUSTOMER CARE ASSISTANT or SECURITY PERSONNEL... or if you intend to become one of these; Then this is for you!

Never look down on a person who has come to see your boss or to make enquiries. You know why? That person could be your boss someday.

Some PAs and Secretaries have stood as a hinderance to people’s destiny, just because people have to pass through their desk before getting through to the boss, they take advantage of that privilege and frustrate people’s efforts.

They’ll never smile with you. They begin to feel like an over bloated coward; raising shoulders, snubbing, and acting all cold and bossy when approached. Some will even take advantage and exploit the visitor either by sex or by cash.

You bloody fools! You’ll not remain there forever remember? And even if you do, you’ll only be a servant all your life.

Some important letters don’t get to the boss because of their SECRETARIES and PERSONAL ASSISTANTS. And more painfully the bosses are often not aware of all these.

If you’re a BOSS or an OGA, a SENATOR, COMMISSIONER, GOVERNOR, DG, CHAIRMAN or in any high position, kindly watch your secretaries and PAs; caution them from time to time and let them know that they are not you, and you are not them.

They’re not in any rightful position to prevent people unjustly from reaching you, or from getting messages and letters across to you. As a matter of fact, the latter was what you employed them for; and doing otherwise is totally contrary and unacceptable.

Review their jobs and ask them questions from time to time. Don’t allow them overuse their positions.

As a boss, when someone approaches you for a reason, let not your response always be “GO AND SEE MY P.A. Some of you like pushing workload to your sublets unnecessarily, thereby yielding power to them which gives them an edge over others.

There’s a case of a so-called recruitment / human resource officer, he was reported to have been sexually abusing young girls just to get them a position into the firm. In this particular occurrence, he failed to fulfill his promises to her and that blew up the whole matter. His pervasive acts was brought to the fore, and he was relieved of his job.

This disciplinary action was meted upon him solely because the boss is a man of integrity; in some other cases, the boss might as well overlook the issue and end up blaming the young girl who was deceived, leaving the staff unpunished.

SECRETARIES, PERSONAL ASSISTANTS, SECURITY STAFFS, PROTOCOL OFFICERS, ASSISTANT LECTURERS, CLASS REPS, and SPECIAL ASSISTANTS, desist from such acts, and instead, use your good position to win friends for yourself while you’re still in office, as you prepare for the raining days, for it’ll surely come!

But if you decide to remain obstinate and intoxicated with that brittle temporary position which you have been entrusted with, I have only two PRAYER REQUESTS for you:

You will remain in that position, and remain a servant and an assistant, and never get to be a boss of your own.

You will soon leave that position by either getting SACKED; or your pomposity will eke you out shamefully; And you will find yourself in a position where you’ll be needing the help of those people you mistreated. Amen!

You know KARMA is so sweet!

This is my prayer! Help me spread it pls.

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