
Showing posts from December 30, 2021

Internship 2021

As one of my 2021 highlights , my master's degree course (Media Practice for Development & Social Change) at The University of Sussex offered me the opportunity to undertake an internship as part of my course. And fortunately, I had my internship at The Winch  working as a Documentary Filmmaker & Youthworker. The experience was not only valuable it was also memorable.  The word Winch has different meanings in different climes. In English, it means " a machine that lifts heavy objects" . In Scottish, it means " Kissing with tongues". And in Nigerian slang, it has the same meaning as "WITCH". And being a Nigerian, I found it quite awkward identifying with the name, I would laugh a few times whenever I told my folks from Nigeria the name of my Placement organization, but as time went on I settled in. My first day at The Winch was also very awkward, first of all, as I sat at the reception on arrival, I remember seeing a bunch of kids running here