
Showing posts from October 11, 2021

This Gender! (Part 1)

I want to tell you stories about my gender. One happened when I visited Scotland; I’ll tell the others in my subsequent posts. I visited a friend who had two daughters. In her kitchen my friend has this small corner dedicated to her daughter. In that corner there was a “kids kitchen” made of toy pots, gas cookers, utensils etc. She said she wanted her daughter to learn how to cook. So I asked her a question: “If your daughter was a boy will you still buy this toy kitchen for him and teach him how to cook”? She paused and stared at me. With a face like: “what kind of question is that”? She responded and said: “No, I won’t!” “Why should I buy a toy kitchen for my male child”? She asked. And turned to continue cooking. You see, many a time, we as parents and women, including those clamoring “equal rights for women” and those who claim to be “feminist”, we have a huge role to play in this race of “Gender equity and fairness”. It starts from your homes! From the toys you buy your kids,  The