“I live all alone in a two bedroom apartment so instead of paying a hotel, you can simply pass the night at my place”. So he said. Nice guy. But when I got there the story Kon change! 
Me: Shey you have two rooms, oya lemme go to the other room, responded with a lame excuse and said the room was packed full with stuff and there’s so much dust in there blah blah blah...hence it’ll be better I stayed in the same room with him. Hmmm🤦🏼‍♀️ Where’s this going? I said to myself. Issokae we go see the end. 
Like brisket bone my body broke from the long journey and needed a refreshing bath to relax so I told him I wanna shower. I thought I was hearing with the wrong ear when he responded -Let’s bath together na!  Shuuuuuu!

Be like say I nor hear am well, so I asked again “huh what did you say “? And with an inviting smile he repeated
-We could have a warm bath together
-Me: Shuuuuuu! Since when this one start?
Make quarrel for nor dey, I played polite and requested that he had his bath first while I excused the room for his privacy. Naso we argue argue argue, this guy quoted here and there, the conversation lingered but las las when he saw my doggedness he gave up and I went to the parlor while he bathed. Breathe

Took like two hours for him to bath and when he was finally done, I made him excuse me as well while I had my turn. But before he left he gave me ‘Bathroom Don’ts’ lol 
-Don’t lock the door while bathing 
-Don’t wear your clothes inside the bathroom 
-Don’t hang your towel there
-Don’t wear your slippers there...blah blah blah. The ‘Don’t master’. Chai! I don suffer! My sister naso I manage baff with one eye opened.

To change the mood we got gisting and after a while I became a ‘Sleep-chat’, I had had a long day hence was as weak as dodo, all I needed was to hug a bed. And boom! There began another section of squabbling as he insisted I sleep on the bed with him. Hmmm nor be small wahala o, tried explaining that I’d be more comfortable sleeping on the couch in the sitting room but for where! Instead he became vexatious and drew out ‘Sleeping rules’ for me. My God! 

Said he doesn’t sleep on the couch and doesn’t permit anyone else to, requested for a pillow and blanket to sleep on the floor but oga said he doesn’t take his pillows to the parlor and that all his blankets are dirty. Oh lawd! I have seen it all. 

I was insistent hence I bade him good night and went straight to the parlor, slept on the floor thank God I kukuma carry my wrapper, so I covered myself. When he saw my doggedness he came, sat on the couch and was staring. Lol only God knows what he was thinking. Sleep was like 70km away from my eyes o, I couldn’t sleep in my mind I was kabashing... O Lord make day quick break Abeg  

Next morning he started acting up. Lol.. What was I expecting? Men will always be MEN! So I wasn’t so shocked about the whole shit. But thank God say the story nor pas so. How I for do?
His offer was  a "Trojan horse". Be careful when a guy is becoming so nice...He might just be salivating for something else... but not all of them tho.

Well, unfortunately it doesn't work like that with guys, if you agree to spend even a night at a guy's, then most likely he already has the conception that there’s a possibility of you both getting laid! So brace up! Unless it's a close friend who may understand you. I mean like your brother. lol 

Well, to you guys, generosity if freely offered should be genuine not every lady is a quid pro quo!

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