What’s Your Time?

March 2021 was my first time experiencing the Clock jumping time. When I first heard that UK time moves forward/backwards by an hour, I was wondering what that would mean 🤔 and how it’ll even work. I was like: time moving faster? how? Who changes it? Lol. Last year, it happened on March 28, and I remember staying awake till 1am just to witness this ‘magic’. Lol This year, it is occurred this morning, 27th March, 2022 (usually the last Sunday in March), and i also didn’t  miss it.

Fortunately, we’ve got a non-digital wall clock and I have my phone which of course is digital. I needed these two gadgets for comparison, as well as to have a visual experience of the change (because the time on my phone will automatically change, while the wall-clock will not, unless done manually). I stood there watching the countdown, and to my awe, I saw my phone jump from 00:59 to 2.00am, whereas, the wall-clock moved from 12:59 to 1.00am. I was wowed! 😯 

I had so many questions in my head: 

- is there a central clock that controls all the time that we use? 

- Does this mean that someone had fastened the clock? 

Pardon me if these questions sound stupid to you, but they were indeed genuine queries, which I had to learn more about when I visited Greenwich Park in London. 

Whilst learning about this, I came across William Willett. History has it that it was his idea to ‘fastforward’ and ‘backward’ time. And his reason was to increase daylight saving. I also spoke to a British friend who explained that TIME was invented by man. In her words she proudly said : “We (the British) invented time!” Lol.

One of the things I found really unpleasant when I moved to the Uk was that it got darker from 4pm; and 5pm actually looked as dark as 9pm. It annoyed me so much because it made me feel as though the day is already spent, when I’m yet to achieve what I set out for. But I later got used to it, however, I do prefer it in summer, when it usually stays brighter till late, which is what we’ll be enjoying from now. 🤩

Most times when we read about sciences and man’s invention, it just remains somewhere in our head but experiencing science itself activates what we have learned in theory and puts everything in context.

That as why as a person we need to give ourselves room to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Welcome to British Summer Time! ☀️ 

Albeit, I still find some bits of the Greenwich mean time confusing. Do you know anything about time invention? Kindly share in comment... 👍

P.S: It was funny when I learned that Greenwich is pronounced Green-ish, with the ‘w’ silent.

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