So there was this guy ‘chyking’ me (asking me out). He was like 7years older than me.

Anytime I passed through their house, his sisters would call out to him saying “Kevwe, your babe dey pas o”.

I was still a teenager, and he was way older, I despised him. Cos he’d obstinately escort me to fetch water, against my will. Even when I’ve warned him severally to gimme SPACE, he wouldn’t listen.

This guy was stalking me and I hated it! Before you know it the “area boys” who normally teased me whenever I was carrying a bucket of water on my head, would find another reason to tease me even more; they’d begin to call him ‘my guy’. And I’d be so mad!

I fetched water morning and evening, and this guy would just goan position himself somewhere and be waiting for the hour when I’d pass through their compound, as there was no other road to the borehole.

He’d walk by my side, asking to help me, but I always shunned him,  most times I’d double my pace and walk faster even with water on my head, he was beginning to irritate me. 

I didn’t want to insult him, I tried to be a polite girl. Somedays, in order to avoid his glances, I’d make my younger siblings fetch the water while I do some other indoor chores. But guess what, he’d stroll through our backyard or even the front of our house where he is sure to find me in one of those places... 

This guy was just so annoying! 

I hated the gossip, murmurings and sheepish smiles that filled the air whenever his siblings see me passing. I wonder what their brother has been feeding them with! He already married me inside his head I guess. 

He asked for my phone number, but for the umpteenth time,  I turned him down. 

One day i got a phone call; guess who? It was him - “Kevwe”!

He’d send me love messages, morning, afternoon, evening, and at bedtime. Goodness!

How the hell did he manage to get my phone number?

On one of his numerous calls, I scolded him and warned him never to call my number again! I didn’t know how to block a phone number then.

I was prepping for my Waec exams, and there was this uncompleted building behind our house, where I usually go to study since it was serene and quiet, away from all the noise back at home.

How he found that was my hideout, I have no idea,  but he came there and offered to brush me up in the subject I found difficult. 

I was so mad, I almost poured water on him.  I chased him out! The following day, he sent me an apology-love message, and added an airtime worth of #500. In those days, that was some huge amount of airtime you know... 

Guess what? I deleted the message and DELETED the airtime too! I didn’t use it! I felt so irritated by this guy that I didn’t want anything from him!

He must have thought I loaded the recharge card, and probably threw away the paper. Lol... what a loss!

This lingered, until my family finally relocated to another environment!

Lol... Progress Progress! smh

If it was these days, surely no matter how much a girl dislikes a guy, she doesn’t feel the same way for his money or his recharge card! 




Any thoughts please...? Share! Share! Share!


  1. Nice one. I can relate. Lol. Good writing. Keep it up

  2. Lol, it was almost like a story of myself...a nice write✌️!

  3. Dumbest thing indeed of the 21st century, not even now when the times are hard. Lol... Nice one


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