Sometimes we spend our whole lives trying to find our
or hoping for a DREAM JOB, but we may just have been living out that purpose without knowing.

This is inspiring!

Whosever it is that may have put this camera on him is surely a fortune teller!

Trust me he didn’t study PHOTOGRAPHY or ‘CAMEROLOGY’ in school; what he studied is HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY at the Cross River University. Tell me what’s the relationship between #education and #passion? When will parents start guiding their children towards actualizing and living out their potentials instead of imposing one on them?

So many destinies have been altered by Parents knowingly or unknowingly. Yes! Because they watched us grow up, they discover our potentials before we do! But for some reason, try to make amends by imposing a more professional career on us, therefore causing us to live ‘their’ lives and not ours!

Take a second look at the picture of the little boy, the camera on his neck doesn’t look like a toy, does it? Probably! I’m sure during his time there was nothing like camera phones. So it was either he loved posing and taking pictures, or he played with other instruments as a camera.

He sure would have been the youngest or smartest photographer if he had the support of his parents to pursue his passion from Adam; but no! He had to discover it himself and stick to it thenceforth only after spending years in the university; obtaining a degree in Physiology but to work as a Photographer!

He hasn’t ’blown’ just yet, but trust me, this consistency and devotion to passion are the only requirements for ‘BLOWING’. Love what you do, and do what you love! But wait, what do you do? Hope it’s not yahoo?

It’s high time we realized that OUR PASSION may not be hidden in that BIG CONTRACT which we hope to hit, or that DEGREE which we hope to acquire or already have, or that EXTRAORDINARY THING THAT WE MUST DO; Our passion may just be embedded in THE LITTLE THINGS WE ALREADY DO!

Look inwards!!!
Keep pushing Phred Bassey Eboh, one day your beans go done!



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