Feminism is one subject that comes with a lot of different baggage, and over time I’ve seen the sprout of different facets of feminism.

In Nigeria, which I know of, there’s an amount of negativity attached to the title “feminist” or the word “feminism”, both from self-acclaimed feminists and from society.  And this is because the word feminism translates to different things for different people who identify with this title.

A feminist can be:

1. A woman who fancies and promotes the idea that women are in no way less than men, hence should have equal opportunities and be treated fairly in society.

2. A single and heartbroken lady who therefore thinks all “men are scum”.

3. An aggrieved/hurt lady who takes out her annoyance by blasting men under the ideology of feminism. (But automatically changes her ideas of men when she finally falls in love with one helplessly). 

4. A lady who doesn’t fancy the idea of marriage, or has attained a certain age where she thinks she’s totally fine without a man, and then considers men useless.

All of the aforementioned groups of people come out to claim that they’re “feminists”, but mind you, be informed, and know what influences your position.

For me, my idea of feminism stems more from the first option on the above list. I think it is absolutely ridiculous and extreme when I hear people propagate a change in certain words such as woman to “womin”, all in the name of feminism. And it is because of such extreme ideologies that people who care about fairness and equality would rather shy away from identifying with the title "feminist". This is tragic!

I think that men and women are two different things. And just as humans have left and right hands, the two although different, are EQUALLY important, no one is less than the other. This, I guess, is one of the major ideologies behind feminism.

I once read one self-acclaimed feminist say “men are the cheapest thing in a shopping bag”. Even if you're are trying to make a point, I think there are better ways of doing that. I don’t think it is ideal to denigrate a thing in order to elevate another. As a feminist, you don’t have to regard men as worthless just because you are trying to buttress the fact that women are valuable. 

I see many do this and call it “feminism”. No, that's not feminism. Women are worth as much as men are. Both humans, aren’t they?

If we focus on the true ideology behind feminism which is “fair treatment and equal opportunities for women”, then I think men should as well be feminists too. But we can only achieve this if we fully understand the idea behind feminism, and promote it as such.

Even though you’ve had horrible experiences with men and relationships, don’t be tempted to base your opinions on feminism! This is extremely misleading! The fact that you have had hurtful relationships with men and therefore hate them doesn't automatically make you a feminist. 

Come off it! Feminists are not women who hate men! Please!

Feminism can be subtle and kind!

I am a feminist. And my feminism stems from the fact that men and women have an equal place in changing the world.

Feminism means “I see things from a broader perspective”. And with this in mind, don’t you think we should all be feminists?

Let me know what you think...



  1. A lot of ladies get it; they don't even know the meaning of the world they are marketing. According to Marriam Webster dictionary a person who supports or engages in equal rights and opportunities for men and women.
    By that definition, I am a feminist. So a woman if you downplay a man, you downplay yourself, that's the logic about it. It reflect the principle do unto others what you want to be done unto you.

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