I'll be bias if I fail to appreciate you.
You have been my only faithful companion in times of boredom, through thick and thin you have stayed by me.

You get me busy typing when I'm inspired in my thoughts.
I never knew you'd stand the test of time.
No laptop, but you permit me to carry out the task of writing lengthy articles; even my keyboard knows my handwriting.
You have proven to be that PC that never pisses me.
No iPhone but your multitasking ability is amazing.

Battery life don dey depreciate, yet you stand the test of time; even with 5percent I'm still jumping from instagram to facebook.
Your memory space don hear 'Ween' because I have stuffed you up with details, upon details, of everything I treasure.
Pictures are flowing like streams of living water, my notepad is overwhelmed with stories yet untold.

My gossip partner. I could be writing about someone next to me without him knowing. If to say you be human being, by now u for don grow lean of my wahala. Kwashiokor would have crashed you by now.
You would have been jumping from one hospital bed to another on admission.
You keep me gallivanting from one app to another, I can hardly take my eyes off you my addiction.

You're my tablet, the only paracetamol that gives me headache.
You're my Oxford, the one that always keeps my sentences in check ☑
Even my prediction knows my slangs

My Confidant!
You're barely a year old but you dey handle tasks wey senior you.
Even your senior brothers dem: 'IPhone' and 'Samsong', them nor fit bear watin you they bear.
I could be sitting on my bed 'sleep-typing', trying to make an article and you slip from my fatigued fingers and land on the hard floor Gbim! But I still pick you up and continue writing.

You've always survived the 'SOSOLISO'.

Even with your defaced screen I'm still proud of you because your beauty is encrypted within.
But your recent development has left me turn apart. Since you fell down from the taxi and landed on the coal tar GBIIIIM! You have not remained the same.

Hence I have not been able to access my facebook account nor surf the net, can't play music, to write on my notepad na wahala, even to hang up on a call na problem. You've shut me out of the world.

It feels very exasperating to the extent that E be like say make I kukuma use the phone stone wall. Smash Smash Smash!

I miss the erstwhile you. Wish I could find a suitable you.

Instagram @diaryofafemale9jakopa and @progressoberiko



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