...“Your own na to dey press so so computer from morning till night”!
“Since you dey press this your computer so, watin you don achieve”? 
“Abi u nor dey see your friend Victor? See the kain cars wey he dey drive, he don even buy house for he papa, 
Nor be the same computer wey you Dey press nai he dey press too?
“But your own nor fit produce anything. Nonsense! 
“Dis my house nor go contain you and that your useless computer o, do make you comot!

(The above was a father’s harangue to his son who just graduated from the Uni, for the main, he used his laptop to undertake projects for students and gathered lil cash from it)
Without knowing what really is being done with the so called “Computer” 💻 he admonishes his son to do what his mates are doing.
That is how he will push the poor boy and in the end, he will be the lamb of sacrifice for the money rituals. ...”Bring your father’s head”. SMH

Taking a critical look at this whole thing beginning from when it started and how deep it has eaten into our system, it has become ostensible that we all have in one way or the other fanned into flame the fire of this shitty crime called “YAHOOing”.
These “G-boys” are our friends of friends,
Our brothers are one of them,
Our sisters date them,
They take you out, buy you green bottles while you sing their praise in pubs,
They’re our relations,
We even sing their praises here on social media, as a matter of fact, Social media has a fatling contribution to the crime itself.

Observe... The society celebrates them,
People don't talk about them,
They’re everywhere on Facebook, Instagram and so forth,
We place them on “Eagles wings” when we wish them “More funds”, “More keys”, what keys exactly? Keys 🔑 to hell ni?
...”As far as he doesn’t do RITUALS, I can date him, he’s just a G-boy
Lol... Sister enjoy, but don’t be angry when you wake up one morning realizing that your TONGUE  and your BREASTS are not just MISSING but GONE!

Someone of whom you’re aware has no “JOB”, he nor dey work o, 
But you’re congratulating him, He just bought a house ...👍🏻Yeah “More Keys bro"
Suffocating his feeling of guilt and massaging his Ego. 
He begins to think he’s doing the right thing

Mothers enjoy the bags of rice and goodies they bring for their daughters, infact, if he’s not a G-boy, you nor go marry am!
The pulpit is silent about it.
Pastors enjoy their tithes, whether illicit or not, we will build the church!
They miss lectures but Lecturers savor their bribes 
Even the POLICE and the so called SARS collect their share too

So as it is, all lips have been “Superglued” with the adhesive of this SweetCash🤐

No justifications tho, if you like carry gun, if you like press computer, all THIEF na THIEF!
...Shhhhhhhh...Don’t say that, they’ll come after you...Oops  I already said 🤷🏼‍♀️
Forgive me

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